Top Tips to Declutter Any Space
Whatever you can declutter today will help you reach your goals tomorrow.
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Some days you just don’t feel like doing much of anything, and your ideal life might feel far out of reach.
I have some good news for those days: whatever you declutter today will help you reach your goals tomorrow. Start small and keep going. Here are some quick tips that can help you get started or keep you motivated in between decluttering sessions.
Declutter, declutter and then do it again—consistently. The more you can get used to decluttering, the sooner it will become a habit. Decide what to keep and swiftly get rid of the rest. Make this a routine!
2.Don’t Get Mixed Up
Realize you are not what you own. Confusing our things with our identities is one of the biggest impediments of decluttering. Our things aren’t even our memories. Throwing these things out will not change you who are and what you’ve experienced.
3.Be A Gatekeeper
Don’t bring in more items without extensive questioning. “Do I really need this?” “Will this add value to my life?” “Are you worth the space I am going to give you?” are all good questions to ask before charging something new on a credit card. Stop clutter before it starts.
4.Think about ALl The Benefits
Eliminating clutter equals eliminating distractions. If we can get rid of excess stuff we can gain the real freedom to dive into our life goals, deepen our relationships (with people, not stuff), and discover the life we want.
This is why declutter is so essential.
Read more: Declutter Boxes