Why Your Side Hustle Isn’t Making Money
Don't start a business without these three key factors in place!
Starting a new business venture is difficult enough as it is. There are three things you need to consider before diving in head first! These three things will determine the success (or failure!) of your venture.
Are you a master?
You must first ascertain if you’re a master of the thing it is you want to sell. If this thing you’re selling is your knowledge, such as being a Life and Business Organization coach like me, then you need to get super honest with yourself and ask some tough questions:
Am I qualified to teach this?
Do I have enough experience to show proven results?
Is there a need for my particular skill set to be taught, or do I need to add to my knowledge base before moving forward?
Oftentimes we get really excited about sharing something we’ve learned, only to discover we don’t know the basics well enough to actually share more than a few tips, tricks or hacks. In this day and age of information overload you need to make sure what you have to say is helping create CLARITY and not more confusion around a certain subject.
Do you have the time?
Starting a new business is not for the faint of heart. You want to make sure you have an adequate amount of time to dedicate to being consistent and showing up for your new clients. If you don’t have the time you’ll not only be frustrated with the promises you haven’t kept to yourself, but your clients will be as well.
Do you have a Business Plan?
When I was first starting out as an entrepreneur I knew I needed to be ORGANIZED more than anything else when it came to running all my different business ventures. I’m a coach, a business consultant, a public speaker, a property and small business investor, and so much more. To be able to do all these things with ease and zero overwhelm I developed THE BUSINESS BOOSTER. It’s the fastest way to get ULTRA ORGANIZED so you can not only launch but maintain, scale and grow a new business in an organized way.
If you’re interested in launching a side hustle but don’t know what to do after you’ve snagged the perfect Instagram username, created a website and come up with the most amazing product or service, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! Check it out and let me know what you think!