Increase Your Productivity With These Simple Workspace Organizing Tips
Are you dreaming of having the most productive and organized workspace? It only takes a few minutes to get started.
For this blog post in video form, please head to my YouTube channel or check the bottom of this post.
Are you stuck on how to quickly organize your work area or desk space? Read on for my top three tips to a productive workspace.
Clear the clutter
A cluttered area leads to a cluttered mind. It’s easy to get distracted if we see other work lying around when we are focused on a separate task.
My signature method helps to break down how to de-clutter, and ways in which to incorporate de-cluttering into your lifestyle.
Don’t use email as your To-Do List
Your to-do list should not be pages long, nor should it be managed by your email. My to-do list focuses on my main PRIORITIES (another video on that coming soon), and I tackle tasks by the impact they will have on my business first. I write down my to-do list, then re-write/re-organize by impact and start at the top. Best part is, creating a strategic list will take you less than a minute!
Set weekly organizing time
Once a week, set 20 minutes to organize your workspace (or whatever amount you need). I do this weekly for my finances and also my office organizing. I review files from the week and put them in their proper places. We all sometimes save files to our desktop, and then by the end of a day, week, or month our computer files are a mess. Make organizing a priority before it builds up! Plus, giving yourself time to organize saves you that embarrassment for those screen shares or presentations where you can’t find the file your looking for. Staying organized gives you another chance to impress your clients or boss.
If you want to dive deeper into this topic, my book includes an entire chapter on it.
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