Travel Organizing Tips From a Makeup Expert
Sober up your makeup and optimize your organization for travel.
For this blog post in video form, please head to my YouTube channel or check the bottom of this post.
Wish your makeup was better organized? I teamed up with an expert makeup artist from Axart Makeup to give you tips on how to organize your beauty products, especially for travel. Annie from Axart makeup is giving away 10% off all makeup services when you use the code Organized Jane.
sober up your makeup
My number one tip is to sober up your makeup - meaning get rid of whatever you don’t use or is expired. Toss, recycle, or even give these products to a friend.
2. find the right makeup bag
The next step is to optimize your makeup organization for travel. I asked Annie for her travel organizing hacks, and she showed me her cosmetic bag which had two compartments for ease of travelling. She recommends purchasing a bag with multiple compartments to keep your products organized. For Canadians, a bag like this can be bought at Shoppers’ Drug Mart!
Annie also showed us her Zuca makeup bag which she uses for bringing all her makeup to locations. This is a great option for people with a lot of makeup. Plus, all of her compartments were labelled for efficiency!
Next week I will be sharing my key business organizing tip with a collaboration from another successful business owner.
My book includes an entire chapter on travel packing and it can be downloaded for free as a thanks for reading.