Organized Record Keeping for Entrepreneurs with Multiple Revenue Streams
Record keeping for small business
For this blog post in video form, please head to my YouTube channel or check the bottom of this post.
Record keeping, I know you might be avoiding this however it is one of the most important to keeping your business even if it is a side hustle a reality.
Do you finally want to learn 3 simple steps to better organize your records?
Watch this video to get my top tools and strategies to help you finally achieve recording keeping bliss.
Here are my quick and easy top tips.
Business plan
Keep it simple! For every revenue stream you should have an organized plan with a vision, goals and few targets and a
2. Budget
I am old school and still use Excel to keep track of my budgets for each different revenue stream. Track the expenses and profit from the very beginning.
3. Expense tracking
This is different than keeping a budget, this goes deeper into record keeping and tracking all of your business related expenses as these are very important to either charge for pricing, help you price if you are not using value-based pricing and of course for tax-write off’s. Most new businesses will even have an expense before making a sale so this needs to be one of the first steps in setting up your business and revenue streams. Get my free guide on how to track your receipts here.
One last thing: don’t worry if you have not started this from the beginning, it is not too late. Go back to each of these steps and start slow, the last step of setting up receipt tracking might take a few months to get caught up or if there is so many you may have to outsource to get caught up but start today! Trust me it will be worthwhile.
Read more: How To Stay Organized in Life