All About Minimalism With Life Coach, Author and Youtuber Zoey Arielle
Minimalism means different things to different people. The key is to find out what works for you.
For this blog post in video form, please head to my YouTube channel or check the bottom of this post.
The more the better, right? Not necessarily.
Recently, I had the pleasure of collaborating with published author, Certified Life Coach, and YouTuber Zoey Arielle. We are getting real and talking about clutter, minimalism and the importance of creating a version of minimalism that works for you.
In this interview, Zoey shares her journey of minimalism and how she used to use '“stuff” to fill a void she felt in her life. Zoey also shares how she has been able to maintain a minimalistic approach in all aspects of her life, including her mindset.
Zoey is one of our keynote speakers at the Unleash Collective conference held this November in Whistler, BC. Please see the video to watch the entire Q & A!
What minimalism means to me
Let’s talk about “stuff,” an interesting topic for both Zoey and I, since I am a decluttering expert and she lives a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism has been something I've learned through living and working abroad in my previous corporate career. Since I was always on the go, I had to minimize my belongings and determine what I truly needed. While this was difficult at first, it helped me learn to love living more simply (except for shoes - I can never part with my many pairs!).
Minimalism means different things to different people. I can’t deny that as a shopper, I have felt lots of negativity around this word. For me, minimalism means being more conscious and mindful of my purchases, and taking a hard look at how the items I already own impact me on a daily basis.
Watch the video to hear Zoey’s opinion on minimalism and what exactly it means—I think you’ll be surprised!
Next week, I will be doing another collaboration with my co-founder of the Unleash Collective, Shannon Frame. We will be diving deep into how and why we started this conference.
Read more: Another chat I had with the lovely Zoey, in this post.